Wisdom Sourcing by Dr. Claudio Weiss
Wisdom Sourcing by Dr. Claudio Weiss
Wisdom Sourcing by Dr. Claudio Weiss
Wisdom Sourcing by Dr. Claudio Weiss

WisdomSourcing What For?

for better choices!

When we choose more wisely, we make wisdom impactful ...

… in our own lives,

… in our organizations,

… in our global community.    


Dr. Claudio WeissPhoto by: Gian Marco Castelberg, Zürich (2023)

Claudio Weiss, Dr. phil.I., Dipl.-Psych.

My career as a wisdom researcher:

Humanistic High School • "Know thyself!" (Delphi) as a life and research motto • Ancient philosophy ("medicine for the soul") • Vedic consciousness research, techniques, and philosophy of life • Great minds of modern times (e.g. Spinoza, Goethe) • Psychology as an empirical social science (methodical and critical thinking) • Market and opinion research • Almost 4 decades of self-employment as a trainer and consultant ("Dr. Claudio Weiss, awareness management") with a focus on self-development, leadership development, win-win negotiation, service excellence • Development of aptitude diagnostic online tools: " Motivators Radar", "Vocation Compass for Young People (BKJM)", "Self-Exploration Instruments" (SEI) on https://diagnosco.com. • Outcome: (matured, yet young at heart) "Psychosopher".

Who benefits from me?

Entrepreneurs, managers and specialists, consultants, therapists, scientists, politicians, cultural professionals, and private individuals who value profound depth that gets to the bottom of things, conceptual sharpness that gives clarity and strength to thoughts, and entertaining liveliness that is enjoyable and practical.

I get the best feedback from people of both sexes and all age groups who want to combine clarity of mind with warmth of heart, consistent, disciplined thinking with playful, pleasurable creativity, concentration on essentials with far-sighted multi-perspectivity. Perhaps I resonate particularly well with such people because they are somewhat like me. Perhaps also because they, like me, enjoy the power of language.